Unit 'ImgList' Package
[Overview][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] [#lcl]


Width of the images stored in the resolution.


Source position: imglist.pp line 175

public property TCustomImageListResolution.Width : Integer
  read FWidth;


Width is a read-only Integer property that indicates the width of images stored in the resolution. Width is used along with Height and Count to determine the internal storage allocated for 32-bit RGBA raw image data in the resolution.

The value in Width is assigned when raw image data is loaded using the ReadData method, or when an image resolution is dynamically created when reading the Resolution property or using the GetResolution method in ImageList.

Use Height to get the vertical size of the images stored in the resolution. Use Count to determine the number of images stored in the resolution.

See also



Height of the images stored in the resolution.



Number of images stored in the resolution.



Provides indexed access to an image resolution with the specified image width.



Gets the value for the indexed Resolution property.



Provides access to an image list which uses the specified image width.