
Documentation for Lazarus packages in HTML format.

For the main development branch of the Lazarus IDE.

Lazarus Packages

Version 4.99-39cef04c46 (2025-02-10)
Version 4.99-39cef04c46 (2025-02-10)
Version 4.99-2dbbea1bbd (2024-10-18)
Version 4.99-d50b1f2b9b (2025-01-13)
Version 4.99-2dbbea1bbd (2024-10-18)
Version 4.99-2dbbea1bbd (2024-10-18)

Free Pascal Packages

Version 3.2.2
Version 3.2.2

Changes since 3.8

c26c03b6ae Docs: LCL/extctrls. Updates TCustomSplitter.MinSize topic to reflect valid values. Issue #41414.
b2302cef64 Docs: LazUtils/graphmath. Updates content in PolyBezierArcPoints. Changes in 1014cd33. Issue #41400.
6c528d9822 Docs: LCL/shellctrls. Clarifies content in the TCustomShellTreeView.FileSortType topic.
48e844f7f6 Docs: LCL/shellctrls. Adds, updates topics TCustomShellTreeView topics for changes in d11d9793. Issue #41373.
e3699654b4 Docs: LCL/stdctrls. Adds, updates TCustomComboBox auto-completion topics for changes in 9f5be67e. Issue #41358.
02706556f7 Docs: LCL/controls. Removes deprecation notice for TControl.FCompStyle member. Changed in b3833f55.
270a5cdfe8 Docs: LazUtils/laz2_dom. Removes deprecation notice for TDOMNodeList.BuildList. Changed in 476da882.
4feac3a6f1 Docs: LCL/forms. Updates TCustomForm.Monitor to reflect use of the Owner form instead of the application main form when Position is poOwnerFormCenter. Changes in bc857823. Issue #41377.
3664d7bb93 Docs: LCL/controls. Updates content in TControlStyleType.csAcceptsControls topic.
4d67fbc31c Docs: LCL/various. Corrects spelling errors, typos.
0e1ed024d8 Docs: LCL/dialogs. Updates TColorDialogOption.cdShowAlphaChannel to include GTK3 in the supported platforms. Issue #22717.
7613e28ec0 Docs: LCL/comctrls. Updates TCustomTreeView.HotTrack to describe underline text drawn on a hovered tree node.
0e90435602 Docs: LCL/comctrls. Updates TCustomTreeView hot-tracking topics for changes in e897d845. Issue #41290.
2a59941a59 Docs: DateTimeCtrls. Syncs CSS, build scripts.
e775aa597e Docs: LazControls/laznumedit. Adds content to TLazIntegerEdit topics, including:
c288b1917c Docs: LazControls. Restores explicit import args in build script.
585c3e4abb Docs: Simplifies build script.
77576dbbf1 Docs: LazControls/laznumedit. Updates content in TLazIntegerEditGen topics. Revises topic links in TLazIntegerEdit.
b348ac054c Docs: LazControls/treefilteredit. Fixes invalid See Also links.
249eee3f9a Docs: LazControls/laznumedit. Fixes invalid topic identifiers and see also links.
7f765309a8 Docs: LazControls. Enables extended tab controls file in project.
7d5ec58f87 Docs: LazControls. Restores use of FpDoc 3.3.1.
90dc1fe26f Docs: build_lcl_docs. Removes extraneous Quote characters around CHM title.
66e7c0348d Docs: LazControls. Removes Windows cruft from build script.
52889254f3 Docs: LazControls. Syncs CSS to LCL, LazUtils.
058b949f47 Docs: LCL, LazUtils. Updates copyright statement to current year.
b76a46a7df Docs: LCL/forms. Corrects content in TApplication.Hint.
760b404c7b Docs: LazUtils/lazutf8. Updates the UTF8StringReplace topic for changes in 4c1a98b6, 277cc26b. Issue #41291.
eeb75b186d Docs: LCL/graphics. Updates content in color conversion topics including:
1964eee87a Docs: LCL/forms. Updates content in hint-related topics, including:
fe5942408a Docs: LCL/stctrls. Updates TCustomComboBox and TComboBox topics to use consistent content.
d95cdc433a Docs: LazUtils/lazfileutils. Updates content in AppendPathDelim topic to describe how Windows device identifiers are handled in the routine.
d1bef150c4 Docs: LazUtils/lazfileutils. Adds descriptions for GetLazNormalizedFilename parameters and return value.
431a3980e1 Docs: LCL/graphics. Updates TRasterImage.RequestTransparentColor topic to clarify content.
f32dc951cc Docs: LazControls/treefilteredit. Updates topic content for changes in 5cb22fbc.
6a5c801d90 Docs: LazUtils/lconvencoding. Fixes missing end tag in XML. Updates and reorganizes topic content.
5d72852af6 Docs: LazUtils/lconvencoding. Updates CP932ToUTF8 topic for changes in ef08272e. Issue #41277.
a739040362 Docs: LCL/dialogs. Adds Cocoa to the list of supported platforms in TColorDialogOption.cdShowAlphaChannel for changes in 9d491994.
3e096abc50 Docs: LCL/actnlist. Fixes See Also links, return value description in TActionLink.Update.
19e6796666 Docs: LCL/actnlist. Removes version info in TActionLink.Update.
dac6000769 Docs: LCL/actnlist. Updates TActionLink.Update topic for changes in 51da4aa0. * Depends on f2c1978c. Issue #41063.
f2c1978c4b Docs: LCL/actnlist. Adds the TActionLink.Update topic for changes in aa9ce848. Issue #41063.
7f6df323df Docs: LCL/dialogs. Updates the TColorDialog.AlphaChannel topic with additional content. Depends on 2b5f9be070. Issue #22717.
2b5f9be070 Docs: LCL/dialogs. Adds or updates TColorDialog-related topics. Changes in 633cb5bb, 2753fed6, b511c5ca, 8fd7e96f, 4360b24b, 47d9468d, 99df3f6a. Issue #22717.
8477f6087d Docs: LCL/dialogs. Adds and updates TColorDialog topics for changes in 9077ef32. Issue #22717.
52c27a7cd9 Docs: LazControls/treefilteredit. Adds TTreeFilterEdit.SetTreeFilterSilently topic for changes in 9e8dbdc9. Issue #41259.
0f4a7bbc7e Docs: LCL/editbtn. Updates TCustomControlFilterEdit topics for changes in d326f3e9e7. Issue #41259.
a2bf3c8d58 Docs: LCL/controls. Updates TWinControl.OnKeyDown topic to document global shortcut keys.
1bcd352773 Docs: LCL/intfgraphics. Adds the TLazReaderBMP.InternalReadHead topic for changes in a153126d5a. Issue #40685.
816d1b0cd5 Docs: LCL/graphutil. Fixes an invalid See Also link in the ScaleImg topic.
2f7f0198ab Docs: LCL/forms. Updates THintWindow topics for changes in 301fcda550, including:
c02978f20f Docs: LCL/forms. Updates content in THintWindow.ActivateHint and THintWindow.CalcHintRect topics.
a265712f5f Docs: LCL/graphutil. Modifies content in ScaleImg topic for changes in 77121d9b.
3325629775 Docs: LCL/forms. Updates TCustomForm.IconChanged topic for changes in 01640ee2. Issue #41189.
cb0bfed0f1 Docs: LazUtils/graphtype. Fixes invalid link ID in DisabledDrawEffectStyle topic.
8770993482 Docs: LCL/grids. Updates TCustomGrid.ExtendedSelect topic for changes in 602375a8. Issue #41084.
ae8870ddd3 Docs: LCL/comctrls. Fixes invalid See Also link in TCustomTabControl.Change.
21895da520 Docs: LCL/forms. Updates the TApplication.ShowHintWindow topic for changes in 32947827. Issue #41194.
4162d4cf25 Docs: LCL/extctrls. Adds TLabeledEdit.OnContextPopup topic for changes in 6be15f2b.
c14fb39fe8 Docs: LCL. Updates border style and icon topics for changes in 939daf54. Issue #41189.
877b59d84e Docs: LCL/comctrls. Updates topics in THeaderSection for changes in 6a919803, c0b0fb81.
25b7d8f0d9 Docs: LazControls/laznumedit. Updates TLazIntegerEditGen.Value topic for changes in 041a6543.
c85d53f86a Docs: LCL/menus. Updates the TMenuItem.InternalRethinkLines topic for changes in 3afd9c57. Issue #41028.
98c70c9c28 Docs: LCL/menus. Updates the TMenuItem.CheckChildrenHandles topic for changes in 93af6708. Issue #41109.
6a22596f32 Docs: LCL/checklst. Adds TCheckListBox.Options topic for changes in 14018cbf.
d2dac0bbb9 Docs: LCL/menus. Adds menu / menu item line reduction topics for changes in e762d9b6. Issue #41028.
44c78718af Docs: LazUtils/lazutf8. Updates UTF8CodepointCount content for changes in 27063a7d.
108411ee2d Docs: LazUtils/lazutf8. Adds UTF8CodepointCount topics for changes in c8a1f93a,
589b5c0aa8 Docs: LazUtils/laz2_dom. Removes TSetOfChar topic for changes in 14514dc9, MR !310.
f340a1a3b6 Docs: LazControls/laznumedit. Fixes invalid XML tagging in topic.
923aaf379f Docs: LazControls/laznumedit. Updates content in TLazIntegerEdit topics.
ac1705980f Docs: LazControls/laznumedit. Updates topic content (partial).
b828c4ab21 Docs: LazControls/laznumedit. Adds and updates topics and content.
1e5c172674 Docs: LazControls. Adds laznumedit.xml for changes in 72aac2eb. Updates project file.
0f3fec23f7 Docs: LazUtils/lazutf8. Updates UTF8FixBroken topic to include the ReplaceChar argument added in cc3fc445.
f30f2e2a71 Docs: LazUtils/lazutf16. Adds deprecation notice to Utf16StringReplace. Changed in e7763dbb. Issue #41068.
77d2d5346e Docs: LCL/comctrls. Adds the TPageControl.UpdateDockCaption topic for changes in d944f9f5. Issue #40741.
469023dd3b Docs: LCL/menus. Adds and updates TPopUpMenu topics for changes in 987f140c. Issue #41036.
4d50d158f5 Docs: LazUtils/lazutf8. Corrects content in the UTF8LowerCaseFast topic for changes in c43cda1c.
df33147eb7 Docs: LCL/grids. Updates UpdateHorzScrollBar and UpdateVertScrollbar topics in TCustomGrid for changes in 9c955b7c.
5962a51ffa Docs: LazUtils/lazutf8. Adds UTF8UpperCaseFast and UTF8LowerCaseFast topics for changes in 134275ee.
015381325b Docs: LCL/actnlist. Updates TCustomAction topics modified in da3310dd. Issue #41005.
f5033f7bb7 Docs: LazControls/spinex. Removes SpinButtonWidth as a published property in TFloatSpinEditEx and TSpinEditEx.
d2e37da99f Docs: LazControls/spinex. Adds SpinButtonWidth topics for changes in d58113e2, 424f279d including:
8e37966d49 Revert "Docs: LCL/comctrls. Adds TCustomTabControl.ActivateFirstControlOnPage topic for changes in e5a63799. Issue #40775."
8e80f10271 Revert "Docs: LCL/comctrls. Updates TCustomTabControl topics for changes in 5e54b2f9, 148735d8."
6625afb1dc Revert "Docs: LCL/comctrls. Updates TCustomTabControl.Change topic for changes in 36c308d1."
583a83f3a8 Revert "Docs: LCL/comctrls. Updates TCustomTabControl topics for changes in db41ce26."
7e234e47ec Docs: Various Fixes duplicate words 'the the '.
452fa6128d Docs: LazUtils/lazstringutils. Deprecates IsNumber and adds IsNumeric topics for changes in 4186cfe0.
b4f8737379 Docs: LazUtils/laztty. Removes laztty.xml documentation file. Moved to the ide project in fde93a7b.
7ba4881fd9 Docs: LCL/LazUtils. Updates the link to license information and the copyright declaration in file headers.
593495ecce Docs: LazUtils/lazlogger. Updates TLazLoggerFileHandle.WriteLnToFile topic for changes in be06ee3c.
2bb9d5c3f8 Docs: LazUtils/laztty. Adds laztty.xml documentation file for changes in be06ee3c.
1daef4f7d3 Docs: LazUtils/lazloggerbase. Updates topic content in:
380681e2cd Docs: LCL/lclproc. Adds deprecation notices and links for changes in c1274517. Includes:
88315fb8a2 Docs: LCL/lclproc. Removes or deprecates topics moved to LazUtils/lazutilities. Changed in ca71aeb4.
d78ee9524f Docs: LazUtils/lazutilities. Adds topics for changes in ca71aeb4.
6b122dc296 Docs: LCL/extctrls. Adds topic for published NumbersOnly property in TLabeledEdit. Added in 76182b6c.
fd097a5f62 Docs: LCL/controls. Minor corrections in TChildControlResizeStyle where "width" or "height" was used instead of "size".
127ba96ec8 Docs: LCL/controls. Updates content in child sizng-related topics, including:
c048745c95 Docs: LazControls/treefilteredit. Updates TTreeFilterEdit.FilteredTreeView topic for changes in 7f000a69.
34f30ff73f Docs: LCL/forms. Updates TApplication.ActivateHint topic for changes in 90dbac6a. Issue #40820.
028dd8b0f8 Docs: LCL/controls. Updates ChildSizing-related topics for changes in: 65809d75, 29f16437, 22881f66, da3a1abb, 560c6818, 1f35f2f8.
b329260bb0 Docs: LCL/grids. Updates FocusColor and FocusRectVisible topics in TCustomGrid for changes in 86a410c9.
340a862e93 Docs: LCL/controls. Rearranges and updates content in TChildControlResizeStyle topics.
aba6fbd822 Docs: LCL/dialogs. Updates, clarifies content in TaskDlg topics.
f45a7a1900 Docs: LCL/dialogs. Adds TaskDlg topics for changes in 5779cff4.
3472aa12bd Docs: FreeType. Updates external references (uses) for changes in 733ac0ed.
88c1bc670c Docs: FreeType. Updates external references (uses) for changes in 733ac0edd1.
e7d336f8ee Docs: LCL/controls. Adds missing CM_MASKHITTEST topic.
f614fbc25b Docs: LCL/controls. Adds content in the DefaultSideForAnchorKind topic.
c61ff37cf8 Docs: LCL/comboex. Adds missing content.
de85df0d3e Docs: LCL/buttons. Adds missing topics, including:
d47c2c2d20 Docs: LazUtils/fileutil. Adds missing TFileSearcher.OnQueryDirectoryEnter topic.
2ea537c259 Docs: LCL/grids. Adds, removes topics for changes in 153c212c.
92ba77a5c6 Docs: LCL/editbtn. Updates topics for changes in 7446930e, 4c4c9631. Issues #40845, #40847.
c8dcda511d Docs: LCL/comctrls. Updates TCustomTabControl topics for changes in db41ce26.
d42ddb59f8 Docs: LazUtils/html2textrender. Adds THTML2TextRenderer topics for changes in 103d9f42.
cd41de0bb3 Docs: LazUtils/lazstringutils. Adds SaveStringToFile and LoadStringFromFile topics for changes in 4967237f.
28bb3ceff1 Docs: LazControls/treefilteredit. Updates TTreeFilterEdit topics for changes in 8836534b.
0b7d0c5d1d Revert "Docs: LCL/maskedit. Changes topic order to match declaration order in 0cbb6646."
1b47c55880 Revert "Docs: LCL/maskedit. Adds EnableSets to the FormatMaskText topic. Changed in a09b37af."
8867480bc2 Docs: LCL/comctrls. Updates TCustomListView.ColumnClick topic to mention platform support for header drawing state.
dfbdfbe059 Docs: LCL/comctrls. Updates the TCustomListView.ColumnClick topic for changes in 57bb5a13.
84dbb4fc09 Docs: LCL/editbtn. Adds or updates TTimeEdit topics for changes in d6b0e5c0.
0838e8c01d Docs: LCL/buttonpanel. Adds TButtonPanel.ShowHint topic for changes in f47d94ce.
72a06a0516 Docs: LCL/editbtn. Adds or updates TTimeEdit topics for changes in d85a691f.
a1b5a9e58e Docs: LCL/comctrls. Updates TCustomTabControl topics for changes in 5e54b2f9, 148735d8.
75eb44e0c4 Docs: LCL/comctrls. Adds TCustomTabControl.ActivateFirstControlOnPage topic for changes in e5a63799. Issue #40775.
f697aec2d2 Docs: LCL/xmlpropstorage. Adds URL links to example code on git.
27cda09f5f Docs: LCL/forms. Adds URL link to example code on git.
c7183fbfba Docs: RttiCtrls/rttigrids. Adds URL links to example code on git.
743915f821 Docs: LazControls/lvlgraphctrl. Adds URL links to example code on git.
f31d7bdec9 Docs: LCL/imglist. Adds GetHandle and Handle topics in TCustomImageList for changes in c7c643a4.
f84ae33d17 Docs: LazControls/spinex. Updates TSpinEditExBase.InitializeWnd topic for changes in a3ba11e5.
e70d0e18c4 Docs: LCL/extctrls. Updates TCustomCheckGroup topics for changes in b4061b20. Issue #40738.
26b564fc46 Docs: LazControls/spinex. Updates TSpinEditExBase topics / visibility for changes in 6a91a7a7.
ab41332fbf Docs: LazControls/spinex. Adds external reference for changes in 5168d97f.
95c2602a6c Docs: LCL/shellctrls. Updates content for renamed TCustomShellTreeView.ExistsAndIsValid topic. Changed in 44e32411.
1fcfe24d7d Docs: LCL/dialogs, LCL/extdlgs. Updates content in Filter topics, including:
741fe7ad70 Docs: LCL/shellctrls. Updates TCustomShellTreeView topics for changes in 1b2d06b8. Issue #40766.
e44a20df1d Docs: LazUtils/fileutil. Clarifies content in the TFileSearcher.Search topic.
bde233c9c4 Docs: LazUtils/fileutil. Updates TFileSearcher.Search topic for changes in c95ec9df, 180dcc88.
dcbb504510 Docs: LazUtils/fileutil. Renames OnQueryDirectoryFound, DoQueryDirectoryFound topics in TFileSearcher. Changed in 2bae28ff.
abb74a17d2 Docs: LazUtils/fileutil. Adds TFileSearcher.CircularLinkDetection topic for changes in 65e09305.
606ad9140e Docs: LazUtils/fileutil. Updates content in the TFileSearcher.Search topic for changes in 6e1eac90.
d30c638ff3 Docs: LCL/shellctrls. Updates the TCustomShellTreeView.UpdateView topic for changes in eb5db964.
276af4a22b Docs: LCL/extctrls. Adds topics for new symbols in TCustomRadioGroup, TCustomCheckGroup. Added in f2a32ca7. Issue #40738.
e2e4043226 Docs: LCL/shellctrls. Updates topics in TShellTreeView, TShellListView for changes in 9035cf4f.
5edce0a45d Revert "Docs: LCL/controls. Adds control message topics for changes in 9ae59e2b."
6dca5434b7 Docs: LCL/interfacebase. Adds TMessageDispatcher topics for changes in 92e31d44.
7689b1805e Docs: LazUtils/lazutf8. Updates the UTF8WrapText for changes in 4f8f408f.
b11c3720fe Docs: LazUtils/lazutf8. Fixes incorrect version info in UTF8WrapText topic.
9c117bb078 Docs: LazUtils/lazutf8. Fixes XML tagging error in UTWF9WrapText topic.
37f0bbf88e Docs: LazUtils/lazutf8. Updates UTF8WrapText topic for overloaded variant added in 86e979c2.
f846d08eef Docs: LCL/lclproc. Adds AddCmdLineParamDesc topic for changes in f0eb9b84. Issue #40690.
3e8fd84cf3 Docs: LCL/graphics. Adds content and See Also links in the TPicture.WriteData topic.
379959e364 Docs: LCL/graphics. Updates TPicture.ReadData topic for changes in 05f867ee. Issue #40685.
ad06ecc51e Docs: LCL/comctrls. Adds version information and tweaks wording in topics.
471bba54b8 Docs: LCL/comctrls. Adds topics for changes in 76bbc6e2. Issue #19169.
bb694c4b08 Docs: LCL/extctrls. Updates content in TBoundLabel, TCustomLabeledEdit, and TLabeledEdit topics.
cd93389a8e Docs: LCL/extctrls. Adds and updates topics for changes in ca219eca, including:
2a7a5fbbaa Docs: LazUtils/plist2json. Adds missing unit overview.
83f6726288 Docs: LazControls. Updates topics in TListViewFilterEdit and TTreeFilterEdit for changes in 3692c658 and 764415b6.
f8d06c652d Docs: LCL/editbtn. Updates topics for changes in 3692c658 and 764415b6.
9b379f285b Revert "Revert "Docs: LCL/lresources. Adds deprecation notices in TUTF8Parser topics for changes in 5b65498e.""
9b65222e3f Revert "Docs: LCL/lresources. Adds deprecation notices in TUTF8Parser topics for changes in 5b65498e."
92a606dd94 Docs: LCL/shellctrls. Updates TCustomShellTreeView.UpdateView topic for changes in 4b6c4e06.
b1960a6a60 Docs: LCL/lresources. Adds deprecation notices in TUTF8Parser topics for changes in 5b65498e.
e5eaf05f2f Docs: LCL/shellctrls. Updates content in the TCustomShellTreeView.UpdateView topic for changes in cd92f94f.
0509a73b2d Docs: LCL/shellctrls. Adds or updates topics for changes in 01d11f00, 222117e4, and 6fd30d19. Includes:
9ece771d70 Revert "Docs: LCL/groupededit. Updates TCustomAbstractGroupedEdit.PopupMenu topic for changes in 54e9cc9171."
6bdd8b5f65 Docs: LazUtils/fileutil. Adds or updates topics for changes in 9ec85e5d, including:
cc5e892acf Docs: LCL/grids. Adds or updates topics for changes in fb8756e0, including:
e97ac42b74 Docs: LCL/shellctrls. Adds topics for changes in 8fa26c3c71, including:
c6a99fe03a Docs: LCL/lcltype. Adds topic content. Reduces wordiness in SPI_* short descriptions.
d1fb2cf817 Docs: LCL/lcltype. Adds content in topics.
7b061c1580 Docs: LCL/lcltype. Adds topics for button identifier contants added in bcd4138d.
3621913af7 Docs: LCL/controls. Adds topics for modal result values added in bcd4138d.
34b8426de2 Docs: LazUtils. Adds content for overloaded dbghex routine added in 5b43d582.
b06ec95360 Docs: LCL/grids. Updates content in TCustomGrid.TrySmoothScrollBy and TCustomGrid.ScrollBy topics.
f29063cbeb Docs: LazUtils/plist2json. Fixes typos in content.
8a31c2fa2e Docs: LazUtils/plist2json. Adds the XML file for plist2json unit.
e87f549144 Docs: LCL/forms. Updates the TApplication.CreateForm topic to match the order of operations after changes in 872608c3.
4a705aeb31 Docs: LCL/extctrls. Fixes invalid URIs in linked topics.
32833c42dc Docs: LCL/extctrls. Adds, removes or updates topics for changes in 727b27b9.
8688069bac Docs: LCL/extctrls. Adds and updates TCustomShape, TShape topics for changes in c15b41d8.
cb98548a29 Docs: LCL/extctrls. Updates the TShape.DrawToCanvas topic for design-time changes in c92ad748.
5b8054ea06 Docs: LCL/extctrls. Adds or updates TShape topics for changes in b473b8b1, 3ec349e0, 6873e264.
ace343ea93 Docs: LCL/extctrls. Updates TShape topics for HitTest to PtInShape changes in e13451a5.
4e4b4f3809 Docs: LCL/extctrls. Adds or updates TShape topics for changes in 386cb0c5 including:
3288855ff3 Docs: LCL/extdlgs. Adds TCalendarDialog.FirstDayOfWeek topic for changes in 8de3e144.
42b43c96c0 Docs: LCL/dialogs. Updates content in TOpenOptionEx topics.
320c0da41d Docs: LCL/dialogs. Updates the TOpenDialog.DoExecute topic for changes in a5b48a08.
9325968f3d Docs: LCL/dialogs. Updates topics for changes in 7d4a36a2, including:
b37a724265 Docs: LCL/dialogs. Adds or updates topics for changes in 33484eab.
65bf9ff5a5 Docs: LCL/taskdlgemulation. Updates content in the TLCLTaskDialog.SetupControls and ExecuteLCLTaskDialog topics.
aa4bb84a78 Docs: LCL/lclintf. Adds content to topics.
b3ed31aa2e Docs: LCL/dialogs. Updates content in short descriptions.
5ffa4ccb40 Docs: LCL/taskdlgemulation. Adds topics for changes in b7d34812.
fb9e18d9a2 Docs: LCL/taskdlgemulation. Adds topics for changes in 39c979d5, b7d34812.
6690bb5ac8 Docs: LCL/dialogs. Adds topics for changes in b7d34812.
9fe268feb6 Docs: LCL/lclintf. Adds topic skeletons for changes in c70e6b32.
a1e5829e44 Docs: LCL/taskdlgemulation. Updates content in the TLCLTaskDialog.SetupControls topic.
1714d776f7 Docs: LCL/taskdlgemulation. Adds or updates topics for changes in 5aab1a7b.
8fcbf71988 Docs: LCL/taskdlgemulation. Adds or updates topics for changes in a397741a.
5ce38411c6 Docs: LCL/dialogs. Adds or updates topics for changes in 9e2aabba.
82d1c00a23 Docs: LCL/dialogs. Fixes invalid See Also links.
c8ea794c64 Docs: LCL/dialogs. Adds and updates topics for changes in f596f543.
db6d6937fe Docs: LCL/dialogs. Adds or updates content in topics.
a26ce07b0c Docs: LCL/comctrls. Adds content in TProgressBarState topics.
7a48354f89 Docs: LCL/lmessages. Adds topics for changes in 8a60ec04.
5187fd9c9c Docs: LCL/dialogs. Adds topics for changes in 8a60ec04.
f9d1473364 Docs: LCL/dialogs. Adds or updates topics for changes in fe0ed266.
2167d313c2 Docs: LCL/comctrls. Adds TProgressBarState topic for changes in fe0ed266.
2a9142f417 Docs: LCL/lresources. Adds the SameLFMTypeName topic for changes in b59196e2.
b393377cee Docs: LCL/taskdlgemulation. Updates the TLCLTaskDialog.AfterConstruction topic for changes in cf5777a1.
e99639efa7 Docs: LCL/dialogs. Adds or updates topics for changes in cf5777a1.
0d8f1eab51 Docs: LCL/dialogs. Adds topics for changes in ab5d084a.
1ca9bff8bf Docs: LCL/taskdlgemulation. Updates topic names for changes in e975dddd.
1f5f7dc271 Docs: LCL/dialogs. Adds, updates topics for custom icon changes in d7801adb.
4f38352939 Docs: LCL/dialogs. Updates content in TCustomTaskDialog topics including:
7096cfb5f1  Docs: LCL/taskdlgemulation. Updates topics for changes in 17bf02ba.
5f8e1dfeb8 Docs: LCL/dialogs. Updates TTaskDialogFlag topics for changes in 0112fc44.
50d5e9cfdb Docs: LCL/taskdlgemulation. Updates or removes topics for changes in 898c4559.
fb18cf8502 Docs: LCL/taskdlgemulation. Removes TLCLTaskDialog.AddFooter parameter for changes in 8fab0d8c.
c845460b91 Docs: LCL/taskdlgemulation. Adds missing content in TTaskDialogTranslate topic.
d05b3456a0 Docs: LCL/taskdlgemulation. Adds or updates topics for changes in 925b576e.
d3a6b30126 Docs: LCL/taskdlgemulation. Updates module description with license information and history.
64a85a0f2a Docs: LCL/taskdlgemulation. Adds missing short description in IconMessage topic.
995076e547 Docs: LCL/dialogs. Updates content in the TCustomTaskDialog.OnTimer topic.
28adff4a4b Docs: LCL/taskdlgemulation. Adds missing topic content.
4b417c1ae9 Docs: LCL/dialogs. Fixes code examples.
50a38fbe02 Docs: LCL/taskdlgemulation. Adds, updates TLCLTaskDialog topics for changes in 97623935.
534102f324 Docs: LazControls/treefilteredit. Adds, updates TTreeFilterEdit topics for changes in 99810467.
398f698442 Docs: LCL/comctrls. Adds TTreeView and TTreeNodes topics for changes in ee218d1f.
2349ad6248 Docs: LCL/dialogs. Adds or updates content for refactoring changes in TCustomTaskDialog, TTaskDialog topics.
28706dcbd2 Docs: LCL/spin. Changes topic order to match declaration order in 0cbb6646.
2b0714b5ba Docs: LCL/shellctrls. Changes topic order to match declaration order in 0cbb6646.
627cf50dfa Docs: LCL/pairsplitter. Changes topic order to match declaration order in 0cbb6646.
5583f1f0ee Docs: LCL/groupededit. Changes topic order to match declaration order in 0cbb6646.
a9a056d420 Docs: LCL/forms. Changes topic order to match declaration order in 0cbb6646.
9d22d4c017 Docs: LCL/filectrl. Changes topic order to match declaration order in 0cbb6646.
e26d8f9464 Docs: LCL/extdlgs. Changes topic order to match declaration order in 0cbb6646.
6aa7c6de12 Docs: LCL/extctrls. Changes topic order to match declaration order in 0cbb6646.
47bf595bbd Docs: LCL/editbtn. Changes topic order to match declaration order in 0cbb6646.
ba09c80767 Docs: LCL/dbctrls. Changes topic order to match declaration order in 0cbb6646.
7b0bd0829f Docs: LCL/comctrls. Changes topic order to match declaration order in 0cbb6646.
4893c9836a Docs: LCL/comboex. Changes topic order to match declaration order in 0cbb6646.
f95c91f533 Docs: LCL/colorbox. Changes topic order to match declaration order in 0cbb6646.
ef40948402 Docs: LCL/checklst. Changes topic order to match declaration order in 0cbb6646.
88f8f6ef54 Docs: LCL/calendar. Changes topic order to match declaration order in 0cbb6646.
6ce12c9afb Docs: LCL/buttons. Changes topic order to match declaration order in 0cbb6646.
d263437d42 Docs: LCL/buttonpanel. Changes topic order to match declaration order in 0cbb6646.
542455e548 Docs: LCL/arrow. Changes topic order to match declaration order in 0cbb6646.
3aa0357f71 Docs: LCL/actnlist. Changes topic order to match declaration order in 0cbb6646.
2fcf3d073c Docs: LCL/taskdlgemulation. Adds or updates topics for changes in 1ca27c4f.
5b4fd8713c Docs: LCL/interfacebase. Adds missing topic content.
aa4bde4e33 Docs: LCL/dialogs. Fixes invalid See Also link.
58ee24e638 Docs: LCL/dialogs. Adds or updates content in TCustomTaskDialog topics. Including:
3d5400fd65 Docs: LCL/interfacebase. Adds missing content in the TPromptDialogFunction topic.
bb71c08474 Docs: LCL/dialogs. Updates content in TCustomTaskDialog topics.
9172e6d61e Docs: LCL/taskdlgemulation. Adds and updates topics for changes in 321020750e.
dcfaa92e3c Docs: LCL/dialogs. Adds or updates content for TCustomTaskDialog topics. Partial.
1a20b44547 Docs: LCL/taskdlgemulation. Adds topics for changes in 4a98bd92be.
d961ef5cc6 Docs: LCL/taskdlgemulation. Adds and updates topics for changes in d1ac727ad0.
e369a9397e Docs: LCL/dialogs. Adds and updates topics for changes in 70b158940e.
272a71acc6 Docs: LCL. Adds CollapseButtonCaption topics for changes in 892cf327.
3222f70b5d Docs: LCL/taskdlgemulation. Adds or updates topics for changes in 04df5e253a, 8e0fb1875f.
9e08dfba60 Docs: LCL/dialogs. Updates content in refactored topics.
7dba56b92c Docs: LCL/dialogs. Updates content in topics after refactoring.
35d80817fb Docs: LCL/dialogs. Fixes invalid See Also link.
01b0bbdb55 Docs: LCL/dialogs. Updates content in TCustomTaskDialog topics.
c17fcb34b7 Docs: LCL/dialogs. Adds or updates topics for changes in 396b72b2, including:
3963d461ee Docs: LCL/dialogs. Adds or updates topic context.
8ae3cef46b Docs: LCL/taskdlgemulation. Adds and upates topics for changes in 9ff95ce2a6. Includes general topic updates.
6c9de95b9b Docs: LCL/taskdlgemulation. Updates topics for refactoring changes in a46e62000d. Includes general topic updates.
898dd30f1f Docs: LCL/taskdlgemulation. Adds topics for TLCLTaskDialog refactoring changes in b5f0aca3ea.
71e899cb15 Docs: LCL/dialogs. Adds topics for TCustomTaskDialog / TTaskDialog refactoring changes in a0e0744618.
5d9e919a6b Docs: LCL/taskdlgemulation. Adds or updates topics for refactoring changes in 05c9e4aa768.
28dc68de66 Docs: LCL/dialogs. Adds topic skeletons for refactoring changes in 05c9e4aa768.
2bf681a94a Revert "Docs: LCL/controls. Updates topics for changes in 53cd3db19c."
199d470ce0 Docs: LCL/wsreferences. Fixes invalid See Also links.
095e0683e9 Docs: LCL/buttons. Fixes invalid See Also link.
150058aaf0 Docs: LCL/various. Updates topic names for changes in cc4760393b.
f1aa6d1fc9 Docs: LCL/dialogs. Updates content for refactoring changes in commits:
a515b190e7 Docs: LCL/lcltaskdialog. Adds deprecation notice for changes in 97e14278113.
b5c298056c Docs: LCL/taskdlgemulation. Adds XML file with topic skeletons. Added in df338fd867.
6c3fb7992e Docs: LCL/graphics. Adds content for CreateGraphicFromResourceName and CreateBitmapFromLazarusResource topics.
b98211de48 Docs: LCL/graphics. Adss missing content in TIcon and TCursorImage topics.
e902555c40 Docs: LazUtils/lazstringutils. Updates CommentText topic for changes in 636e902e.
14a3389827 Docs: LazUtils/lazutf16. Adds missing content in topics:
e970946e2d Docs: LCL/wsreferences. Adds and updates topic content.
04ee4075b2 Docs: LCL/lcltaskdialog. Removes ctypes from external references. Depends on a8029876.
d278b618fd Docs: LCL/lcltaskdialog. Updates TTaskDialogFlag and [200~TTaskDialog.Executetopic for changes in e5aa4cee.
ea36aa4a88 Docs: LCL/dialogs. Updates the TCustomTaskDialog.DoExecute topic for changes in e5aa4cee.
b0260a08e5 Docs: LCL/dialogs. Adds TTaskDialogFlag values for changes in e5aa4cee.
9e8ca12a38 Docs: LCL/dialogs. Updates topics for system.uitype changes in 0f522e8d81.
30147309d8 Docs: LCL/controls. Comments topics for changes in 0f522e8d81.
67d388063b Docs: LCL/interfacebase. Updates the TDialogButton.ModalResult topic for changes in 0f522e8d81.
2d96b678f3 Revert "Docs: LCL/controls. Updates TControl.Notification topic for changes in 2dc7c772."
caaf160050 Docs: LCL/lcltype. Fixes invalid XML tagging in topic.
daca32b2ea Docs: LCL/lazregions. Updates TPointArry topic for changes in c423a794b5.
a9cd7fdee8 Docs: LazUtils/graphtype. Adds TPointArray topic for changes in c423a794b5.
0806fe14ab Docs: LazUtils/graphmath. Adds EllipsePolygon topic. Modifies tagging for operator overloads. Depends on c423a794b5.
8e67ba098b Docs: LCL/wscontrols. Updates topics for TLCLHandle changes in 211d95da.
d98caba512 Docs: LCL/lcltype. Updates topics for TLCLHandle and other changes in 211d95da.
d867825636 Docs: LCL/lclclasses. Updates topics for TLCLHandle changes in 211d95da.
84fe2ee61c Docs: LCL/interfacebase. Updates topics for TLCLHandle changes in 211d95da.
106d4f415b Docs: LCL/forms. Fixes invalid links.
86b5af0f33 Docs: LCL/imglist. Updates topics for TLCLHandle changes in 211d95da.
bc4ca8375d Docs: LCL/graphics. Updates topics for TLCLHandle changes in 211d95da.
5533223d81 Docs: LCL/wsreferences. Adds XML module with topic skeletons.
3b39b2ef36 Docs: LCL/forms. Updates topics for TLCLHandle changes in 211d95da.
450eba28e3 Docs: LCL/dialogs. Updates topics for LCLHandle changes in 211d95da.
ee0615ae5b Docs: LCL/customtimer. Updates external references and topics for changes in 211d95da.
46fed21d59 Docs: LCL/controls. Updates topics to use TLCLHandle introduced in 211d95da.
2167710f68 Docs: LCL/comctrls. Updates topics to use TLCLHandle introduced in 211d95da.
1b99ecdb6a Docs: LCL/buttons. Updates topics to use TLCLHandle introduced in 211d95da.
d2894a6697 Docs: LazUtils/fpcadds. Removes PHandle topic for changes in 211d95da.
619460681d Docs: LazUtils/lazutf16. Updates topics for changes in dd161fc0.
e676a483db Docs: LCL/lclproc. Updates topics for changes in dd161fc0.
522c8ad967 Docs: LCL/forms. Adds TScreen.Notification topic for changes in bcb890ce.
ee9ebb8a7c Docs: LazUtils/graphmath. Adds SameRect topic for changes in 0bc32656.
38efd635ec Docs: LCL/lclproc. Deprecates the CompareRect topic for changes in 0bc32656.
38de5edaee Docs: LCL/ldocktree. Updates external references for changes in 0bc32656.
49b437e2e5 Docs: LCL/controls. Updates topics to specify how Height/ClientHeight and Width/ClientWidth differ from VCL.
4c6ab6d4c0 docs: footer version 3.6

Changes for 5.0

39cef04c46 Docs: LCL/comctrls. Updates TCustomTreeView.DoPaint and TCustomTreeView.DoPaintNode topics for changes in 8f5c0d72.
ac3794ab7a Docs: LCL/lclintf. Updates the SelectInFolder topic for changes in 90b91071.
78ccfbb7d1 Docs: LCL/lclintf. Updates SelectInFolder topic for changes in 498fd13c.
820f1cee82 Docs: LCL/imglist. Adds the TCustomImageListResolution.UpdateReference topic for changes in 654245a3. Issue #41386.
0283b57ccd Docs: LCL/lclintf. Updates content in the SelectInFolder topic for changes in b855e211, efa53c77.
2e0fd1f446 Docs: LCL/comctrls. Adds content to the TTreeNodes.DefineProperties topic. Changes in 5169d4fe. Issue #41303.
bce15869f6 Docs: LazUtils/utf8process. Updates RunCmdFromPath topic for changes in 28ba5306.
8b4920062f Docs: LCL/lclintf. Adds, updates topics for changes in 28ba5306. Including:
91dfdeb159 Docs: LCL/various.  Removes deprecated topics for changes in 476da882, b3833f55. Issue #41363.
65b75082d0 Docs: LazUtils/various.  Removes deprecated topics for changes in 476da882. Issue #41363.
2442607de1 Docs: LCL/imglist. Updates topics to reference TCustomImageList.Overlays property instead of "an internal member".
b97a88f955 Docs: LCL/imglist. Adds TCustomImageList and related overlay topics for changes in d941c2cd.
ac3d18ba93 Docs: LCL/comctrls. Adds TTreeNode, TTreeNodes topics for Delphi compatiblity structures added in 5169d4fe. Issue #41303.
71797f3d5f Docs: LCL/shellctrls. Updates content in file sort type-related topics, including:
3680813800 Docs: LazUtils/lazutf8. Updates the UTF8SwapCase and UTF8ProperCase topics for changes in c78a1ffc.
6bbc7570c1 Docs: DateTimeCtrls/datetimepicker. Adds, updates topics for TCustomDateTimePicker.ShowCalendarForm changes in 448d4b0a.
a885d806f6 Docs: LCL/shellctrls. Adds, updates TCustomShellListView topics for changes in 8c094c33, 8e3b710a, 14cab142.
5ccb117087 Docs: LCL/lclstrconsts. Adds, updates topics for changes in 8c094c33, e3b710a, 14cab142.
2d47cc51d0 Docs: LCL/shellctrls. Adds or updates TCustomShellListView topics for changes in b6b29897, including:
bf66672fb4 Docs: LCL/dialogs. Adds TOpenOptionEx.ofUseXPStyleAsFallBack topic for changes in 7cfdbd74. Issue #40298.
158e4c650b Docs: LCL/comctrls. Updates TToolbar topics for clarity. Depends on 421accc62f.
accd879a00 Docs: LCL/comctrls. Adds and updates TToolBar orientation-related topics for changes in 2ef4fc98.
8f2a079be0 Docs: LCL/comctrls. Adds content for the TToolBar.CalculatePreferredSize topic instead of using linked content.

About LazDocsNext

This project contains the documentation for packages found in the development branch of the Lazarus IDE ( It contains the HTML output generated for the packages. Other packages may be included in this project when they become available.

LazDocsNext is a perpetual work-in-progress. It provides a way to preview changes to the documentation for the next Lazarus IDE release. Official documentation releases are provided when a new version of the IDE is available. LazDocsNext is comparable to the daily documentation generated for the FPC compiler at

The files on this site are updated "periodically" as new help content dictates. Version, revision, and date information are displayed at the bottom of each page.

Lazarus documentation includes links to topics in Free Pascal documentation files. As a convenience (and to avoid 404 errors), it mirrors the FPC documentation available on SourceForge.

LazDocsNext is not an official project.


There are no requirements to view the HTML documentation other than a relatively modern web browser that supports CSS Level 3 and Javascript.

It is assumed (but not required) that the user has the most recent stable release of the FPC compiler. It is also assumed (and also not required) that the user has the "main" or development branch of the Lazarus IDE project found at:


All content originates from the XML files used to produce Lazarus or Free Pascal documentation. Please report content-related issues to: