(LCL) Lazarus Component Library.
Defines classes for Actions and lists of Actions for use in LCL components. |
Includes all of the LCL units and registers their components in the Lazarus IDE. |
Defines an Arrow symbol widely used in forms. |
Implements a process with asynchronous event notifications. |
Provides a panel with buttons using glyph images. |
Contains types and classes used to implement specialized buttons. |
Contains classes and types used in TCalculatorForm. |
Classes and types used to implement TCalendar, a graphic control allowing selection of a date from a calendar display. |
Implements a pop-up form with a TCalendar control for TDateEdit. |
Classes defining TCheckListBox - a List Box with Check Box items. |
Definitions for the Clipboard to hold Cut or Copied data for Pasting. |
Defines classes for selecting a color from a combo-box or a list box. |
Contains classes, types, and routines used to implement the TComboBoxEx and TCheckComboBox visual components. |
Common controls used in Lazarus forms. |
Contains types, constants, classes, and routines used to implement visual controls. |
Contains classes used to implement custom-drawn controls using the drawing style for the Android platform. |
Contains the common base class for renders in custom-drawn controls. |
Contains classes used to implement custom-drawn components or controls. |
Contains classes and routines used to draw custom-drawn controls for various platforms, operating systems, or user-specified styles. |
Contains classes used to implement custom-drawn controls using the macOS drawing style. |
Contains classes used to implement custom-drawn controls using the Windows XP drawing style. |
Contains the definition of the base class for TTimer. |
Standard actions used to navigate and manipulate a dataset in a datasource. |
Data-aware controls commonly used for viewing and operating on information held in databases. |
Contains extended database controls. |
Implements a data-aware grid to display and operate on information in a database. |
Contains forms and routines used to implement a database login dialog. |
Performs string translations using the language selected for the project. |
Contains types and constants used to access scalable dialog images. |
Contains common dialogs used in Lazarus LCL applications. |
Implements specialized edit controls with attached speed buttons. |
Contains extra controls commonly used in Lazarus forms. |
Contains extended dialogs used for Calendar, Calculator and Picture Open/Save tasks. |
Types and routines used to implement extended graphic drawing. |
Implements list box and combo-box controls used to select files on the local file system. |
Contains a form template for the find dialog in LCL. |
Implements Forms which are the basis for the LCL Graphical User Interface. |
Contains routines and types used when drawing graphics. |
Classes for displaying tabular data as a series of rows and columns. |
Provides the base class for grouped edit controls. |
Interfaces to define the abstract HelpSystem. |
Provides support for Mac OS X icon resources. |
Implements a caching mechanism for TCustomImageList (TImageList) instances. |
Contains classes and types used in TCustomImageList, the base class for TImageList. |
Contains the base class for a graphic control with an anti-aliasing setting. |
Contains a component that stores Form Session Properties in INI format. |
Provides a platform-independent widgetset class and helper functions. |
Classes and functions for easy handling of raw images (interface images). |
Contains a component that stores Form Session Properties in JSON format. |
Classes and functions for extending TFPImageCanvas. |
LCL APIs for accessing hardware sensors (such as Accelerometer, GPS, etc) and integrated elements of the system (such as Calendar, Contacts, etc). |
Contains classes, types, and routines needed for Lazarus dialogs in custom-drawn and non-desktop environments. |
LCL interface class for the text renderer in the FreeType package. |
Contains types and classes used to integrate and access help files in HTML format. |
Defines base classes used in the LCL help system. |
Implements non-native regions with support for managing their Z-order. |
Defines the base class for all LCL TComponents including controls. |
Contains WinAPI-like functions for Delphi compatibility. |
Base class for a memory manager used in the LCL and its interfaces. |
Contains routines used to send messages from widgetset classes to the LCL. |
Contains routines and types used in LCL Platform definitions. |
Useful lower-level helper functions and classes. |
Classes and routines used to cache interface resources. |
Contains resource strings used in the LCL. |
Deprecated. Implements a TaskDialog window for LCL. |
Performs string translation in the Lazarus IDE and LCL. |
Provides compatibility with the Delphi Windows unit. |
Container for Unicode, Inc copyrighted data. |
Contains the version number constants for the LCL. |
This unit defines TLazDockTree, the default TDockTree used in the LCL. |
Contains Lazarus message codes and their mapping to message codes for other platforms/widgetsets. |
Maintains a global list of Lazarus resources, and provides methods and types used to stream components. |
Defines classes, types, and constants used to implement a masked edit control. |
Implements menus used in forms created with the Lazarus IDE. |
Defines the TPairSplitter component. |
Contains the TPopupNotifier visual component. |
Contains classes and types used to implement a PostScript printer canvas. |
Contains classes and types used to implement a PostScript printer. |
Contains classes and types used to provide Unicode support in the PostScript printer type. |
Defines printer output devices for Lazarus applications. |
Provides the base class for a storage container use to save and restore control or form properties. |
Registers LCL components and packages. |
Contains the form which implements a Replace Dialog. |
Implements TRubberBand used to draw a "rubber-band" selection. |
Contains controls which display files and directories. |
This unit contains classes for spin edit controls. |
Defines standard actions used in Action Lists in the LCL. |
Standard controls used in the Lazarus Component Library (LCL). |
Implements an emulated task dialog for platforms where the Task Dialog API is not supported. |
Implements Theme Services for supported platforms / widgetsets. |
Contains forms, types, and routines used to display a pop-up for TTimeEdit. |
Contains types and constants used for theme elements and details in theme services. |
Implements a control which can paint its client area with optional borders. |
Defines an assertion error handler used for tracebacks in the debugger. |
Implements the TValueListEditor grid control. |
Contains the base interface classes for widgetset controls. |
Contains types used to represent references to widget set classes and their handles. |
Contains a component that stores Form Session Properties in XML format. |
The Lazarus Component Library (LCL) is a set of visual components to create GUI applications.
License Information
Documentation for LCL (Lazarus Component Library) and LazUtils (Lazarus Utilities) are published under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International public license, as described in docs/license.txt.
Details about the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International public license is available both locally and online:
https://gitlab.com/freepascal.org/lazarus/lazarus/-/blob/main/docs/cc-by-sa-4-0.txt https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode.txt https://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/licensing
Copyright (c) 1997-2025, by the Lazarus Development Team.
Lazarus Component Library (LCL) | Version 4.99-18048358f5 (2025-01-21) | Home |