Provides indexed access to an image resolution with the specified image width.
Source position: imglist.pp line 416
public property TCustomImageList.Resolution[AImageWidth: Integer] : TCustomImageListResolution |
Resolution is an indexed read-only TCustomImageListResolution property which provides access to an image resolution using the image width specified in AImageWidth.
GetResolution is the read access specifier for the Resolution property. It retrieves an image list using the specified image width. When AImageWidth is 0 (zero) or a negative value, the value in the Width property is used to locate the image resolution.
Use ResolutionByIndex to get a resolution using its ordinal position in the resolutions for the image list.
Use ResolutionCount to get the number of image resolutions used in the image list.
Use Resolutions or ResolutionsDesc to get an ascending or descending enumerator for images resolutions in the image list.
Gets the value for the indexed Resolution property. |
Provides access to an image resolution by its ordinal position in the image list. |
Number of image resolutions available in the image list. |
Provides access to the image resolutions (or sizes) used in the image lists. |
Provides access to the descending enumerator for image resolutions in the list. |
Implements an image resolution (or size) used in TCustomImageList. |
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