Unit 'ImgList' Package
[Overview][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] [#lcl]


Implements a scaled image resolution (size).


Source position: imglist.pp line 186

type TScaledImageListResolution = record


  class function Create();


Allocates a new record instance.

  procedure GetBitmap();


Gets the scaled bitmap for the specified image.

  procedure Draw();


Draws the scaled image to the specified canvas.

  procedure StretchDraw();


Draws the scaled image sized to the target rectangle.

  procedure DrawOverlay();


Draws an image with an overlay at the specified canvas position.

  property Width: Integer; [r]


Width of the images stored in the scaled image resolution.

  property Height: Integer; [r]


Height of the images stored in the scaled image resolution.

  property Size: TSize; [r]


Size of an image stored in the scaled resolution.

  property Resolution: TCustomImageListResolution; [r]


Resolution used as the bases for scaled images.

  property Count: Integer; [r]


Number of images stored in the scaled image list.

  property Valid: Boolean; [r]


Indicates if the source resolution is assigned for the class instance.



TScaledImageListResolution is a record type that represents a scaled image resolution created in TCustomImageList. TScaledImageListResolution contains images dynamically scaled from a source image Resolution using a scaling factor.

TScaledImageListResolution contains methods and properties that mirror those available in TCustomImageListResolution. This allows TCustomImageList to use the methods and properties in TCustomImageListResolution when working with the dynamically scaled image content. Methods like Draw, DrawOverlay, and StretchDraw are redirected to the corresponding method in Resolution.

TScaledImageListResolution is transient in nature; it is not stored as part of an image list or its static resolutions.

TScaledImageListResolution is used in the implementation of the GetResolutionForPPI and DrawForPPI methods in TCustomImageList.

See also



Implements an image resolution (or size) used in TCustomImageList.



Gets a scaled resolution with the specified width, display density, and scaling factor.



Controls whether image sizes are automatically scaled for different display density (Pixels per Inch) settings.



Renders an image to a canvas scaled to a specified display density.