Size used for images with the specified image width at the given display density.
Source position: imglist.pp line 411
public property TCustomImageList.SizeForPPI[AImageWidth: Integer,APPI: Integer] : TSize |
SizeForPPI is a read-only TSize property which contains the size used for images with the specified image width at the given display density.
AImageWidth is an Integer value that contains the image width to use as the basis for the calculated size.
APPI is an Integer value that contains the display density (Pixels per Inch) used for the calculated size.
The property value is a TSize type with the image width and height stored in the CX and CY members (respectively).
The image size is derived by calling GetWidthForPPI to determine the best candidate image resolution at the specified display density. GetResolution is called for the candidate resolution and its Height and Width properties are stored in the return value.
Gets the value for the indexed Resolution property. |
Provides indexed access to an image resolution with the specified image width. |
Gets a scaled resolution with the specified width, display density, and scaling factor. |
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