Provides access to an image resolution by its ordinal position in the image list.
Source position: imglist.pp line 417
public property TCustomImageList.ResolutionByIndex[AIndex: Integer] : TCustomImageListResolution |
ResolutionByIndex is an indexed read-only TCustomImageListResolution property which provides access to a resolution in the image list by the ordinal position specified in AIndex. ResolutionByIndex accesses the internal TCustomImageListResolutions member where the image resolutions are stored in the image list.
Use Resolution to get an image resolution using the specified image width.
Use Resolutions or ResolutionsDesc to access the ascending and descending enumerators for the resolutions container.
Use ResolutionCount to determine the number of image resolutions used in the image list.
Use ResolutionForPPI to get a temporary scaled image resolution using the specified display density.
Implements an image resolution (or size) used in TCustomImageList. |
Controls whether image sizes are automatically scaled for different display density (Pixels per Inch) settings. |
Provides indexed access to an image resolution with the specified image width. |
Provides access to the image resolutions (or sizes) used in the image lists. |
Provides access to the descending enumerator for image resolutions in the list. |
Number of image resolutions available in the image list. |
Gets a scaled resolution with the specified width, display density, and scaling factor. |
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