Indicates if any images in the list have been used as an overlay image.
Source position: imglist.pp line 386
public property TCustomImageList.HasOverlays : Boolean |
HasOverlays is a read-only Boolean property that indicates if any images in the list have been designated as an overlay image. The value in HasOverlays is updated when the Overlay method is used to store an image index to a position the internal overlays array.
The value in HasOverlays can be used to determine the correct drawing method to call when drawing an image in the image list; Draw when HasOverlays is False, DrawOverlay when HasOverlays is True.
Use ClearOverlays to reset the image assignments made in the Overlay method.
Assigns an overlay index for the specified image in the image list. |
Clears images indexes assigned as overlay images in the image list. |
Renders an image with an overlay to the specified canvas. |
Renders an image to the specified canvas using a drawing style or effect. |
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