Unit 'ImgList' Package
[Overview][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] [#lcl]


Specifies the background color used for transparent parts of images.


Source position: imglist.pp line 402

public property TCustomImageList.BkColor : TColor
  read FBkColor
  write SetBkColor
  default clNone;


BkColor is a TColor property that specifies the background color used for transparent parts of images in the image list. The default value for the property is clNone. Changing the value in BkColor causes the internal Changed flag to be set, and the Change method is called to perform change notifications.

BkColor is intended to speed up drawing of transparent images using a background of known color (BkColor). In this case the image can be drawn opaque, eliminating the need for masking out and merging image data.

The value in BkColor is used in TCustomImageListResolution methods like Draw and DrawOverlay.

See also



Sends change notifications when the image list is updated.



Renders an image to the specified canvas.



Draws the specified image with the given overlay.