Unit 'Graphics' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] [#lcl]


Display density for the font.


Source position: graphics.pp line 572

public property TFont.PixelsPerInch : Integer
  read FPixelsPerInch
  write SetPixelsPerInch;


PixelsPerInch is an Integer property which indicates the display density (or pixels per inch) for the font.

The default value for the property is set when the class instance is created, and uses the value from the PixelsPerInchY member in ScreenInfo. It is also updated when Assign is used to copy property values from another font instance.

PixelsPerInch is used when values are assigned to the Height or Size properties to convert pixel values to the Points unit of measure used in Size.

Setting a new value in PixelsPerInch causes Height to be scaled to the new value for the property. Changed is also called to signal the OnChange event handler (when assigned).